Flowers and Trees (Special Edition)

Flowers and Trees (Special Edition)
Flowers and Trees Special Edition (1981)
Flowers and Trees is the third and (to date) final book published by Haywire Press, containing botanical photographs from Friedlander's travels in the United States, Japan, Europe and Mexico during the 1970s. The photographs are noticeably dense, with a thicket of branches, trunks, stems, and flowers filling the frames with intricate patterns that weave in and out of one another.
Edition Size: 100
Publisher: Haywire Press
Description: Case contains a copy of Flowers and Trees from the first edition printing in a custom binding and 1 signed, original, vintage print contained in an attached folder; image size of prints is 7⅝ x 11¼ inches
Details: Cloth over board case and book cover; comb spine
Dimensions: 12¼ x 15½ x 1½ inches